
Accepted at: Chicago and Cornell (Also admitted to LBS Masters in Finance)

Working with Adam has been great. Without a doubt, he has the right instinct regarding which pieces of information best represent you under the admissions committee’s eyes, only acquired by many years of MBA consulting experience. He has steered me off the wrong path many times, allowing me to avoid the common pitfalls faced by many first time applicants. After a few sessions, he was able to grasp my character very well and opened my eyes to a school that fit me perfectly, which I had not even considered. I might go so far as to say that he can highly predict which schools you’re likely to get into. Obviously, his value-added lies not in the prediction, but in the formation of an effective strategy to achieve your realistic and desired goals. I would encourage even reapplicants to consider consulting him. You can also tap into Adam’s vast network of students and alumni, which might end up being the best resource you could ever have.



アダムにカウンセリングを依頼 し、私は非常に助かりました。MBAのカウンセリングを長年と経験している為、彼はアドミッションズが何を求めているかしっかり理解しており、自分のどの 部分を強調するべきか(そして隠すべきか←これは大事です!)教えてくれました。特に日本人は謙虚になりがちで、自分のAccomplishmentを過 小評価してしまう傾向があります。アダムはエッセイの中で、上手く自分を表現出来るよう、指導してくれます。成功するエッセイは、必ずしも文法が完璧で高 度なVocabularyを並べた文章ではありません。まずはエッセイを自分の英語力で書くこと。そして、アダムの助けを借りて、内容の質を上げることが 重要です。質を上