Blog: Interviews

MBA Application Interview Strategy

Oct, 08, 2008

This is greatly expanded and altered post from one I did in 2007. In this post I will provide some general advice for preparing for MBA interviews. The methods I outline are the ones I use with my clients. Some will no doubt think it is odd that my first substantive post for October 2008 […]


Three of Japan’s Most Experienced Graduate Admissions Consultants Now Offer a Joint Interview Referral Program

Oct, 07, 2008

Three of Japan’s Most Experienced Graduate Admissions Consultants Now Offer a Joint Interview Referral Program H. Steven Green (http://hstevengreen.com/home.html), Adam Markus (http://adammarkus.com/), and Vince Ricci (http://vinceprep.com/) are pleased to announce that they have established an interview practice referral service. Each consultant’s clients will now have the opportunity to do interview practice with two other great […]


Attend The MBA Tour and World MBA Tour Events!

Jun, 13, 2008

The MBA Tour has now posted its Fall 2008 schedule and The World MBA Tour has has posted its Summer 2008 schedule. If you can attend one or both of these MBA fairs I suggest doing so. Depending on your location, early registration may be advisable. These fairs are a great way of getting a […]


MBA Reapplication: Why were you dinged? Now what?

May, 10, 2008

Was your admissions game plan for Fall 2008 a failure? For those, who have yet to apply, do you want to understand some of the common pitfalls you should avoid? Below are the typical reasons for rejection(stated as questions) and some of my suggestions for developing a new strategy for future applications (mostly stated as […]


Georgetown University McDonough MBA Interviews

Mar, 07, 2008

I reviewed the reports of Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business’ MBA Full-Time Program interviews found at accepted.com. These reports reveal that there are five key things to consider when preparing for Georgetown interviews: 1. You need to know your resume completely as you will likely be asked about content in it. Review it carefully […]


MBA Interview Preparation: Special Offer to My Readers

Feb, 16, 2008

If you have appreciated my blog posts on MBA interview preparation, you can now get get even more comprehensive advice from me. To thank readers of my blog, I am happy to offer a comprehensive interview preparation consulting session service. This special offer is available only for those seeking interview preparation and consists of the […]


Q&A with RSM MBA Director of Admissions

Feb, 09, 2008

As I discussed in a previous post focused on my analysis of essay questions, RSM Erasmus University’s International Full-Time MBA Program is a truly international program offering great ROI to graduates. Kirt Wood, the Director of Marketing and Admissions at RSM was kind enough to provide some really great advice for applicants.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kirt was kind enough […]


MBA Application Interview Strategy

Nov, 06, 2007

In this post I will provide some general advice for preparing for interviews. The methods I outline are the ones I use with my clients. Over-preparationI have a very simple and effective method for interview preparation: Over-preparation. The best way to do well in any interview is be prepared for an interview that will be […]


Behavioral Questions: MIT Sloan & Stanford GSB for Fall 2008 MBA Admissions

Oct, 26, 2007

CLICK HERE FOR FALL 2009 MIT SLOAN CLASS OF 2011 ESSAY QUESTION ANALYSIS. CLICK HERE FOR FALL 2009 STANFORD CLASS OF 2011 ESSAY QUESTION ANALYSIS. In this very long post (sorry it took so long for me to get it done, but I have been busy), I will look at behavioral questions in general, the […]


The value of an MBA and the admissions process

Oct, 05, 2007

As readers to my blog may have gathered, I am fairly neutral about the value of an MBA. See here for example. I think it is great and valuable to some and a waste of time and money for others. Honestly to hold any other opinion would reduce my effectiveness as a counselor because I […]


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