Waitlisted? Now what?
Mar, 04, 2008
You can find an updated version of this post here. This seems to be a very tough year to get admitted. I think we can assume next year will be even worse because more Americans will be applying to graduate school in lieu of being unemployed or underemployed. When the US economy goes bad, applications […]
Legacy Admissions Versus Merit-based Admissions
Feb, 20, 2008
I strongly suggest reading Shikha Dalmia‘s excellent essay, “Legacies of Injustice: Alumni preferences threaten educational equity–and no one seems to care.” As someone who believes that university admissions at both the undergraduate and graduate level should be based on the merits of the applicant, I hope that the preferential admissions of applicants who are the […]
Additional Comments Regarding "The 98"
Feb, 10, 2008
Click here for all of my rankings tables together in one post. In regards to “The 98,” my MBA program ranking by salary, I wanted to make some additional comments. One advantage of a salary-based list of programs worldwide is that it helps to see the rising market value of MBA programs. It also means […]
Q&A with RSM MBA Director of Admissions
Feb, 09, 2008
As I discussed in a previous post focused on my analysis of essay questions, RSM Erasmus University’s International Full-Time MBA Program is a truly international program offering great ROI to graduates. Kirt Wood, the Director of Marketing and Admissions at RSM was kind enough to provide some really great advice for applicants.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kirt was kind enough […]
"Real" Global MBA Rankings for 2008: "The 98"
Feb, 09, 2008
June, 19, 2008 Update: Please also see my comparison and averaged ranking of “Top 20” MBA rankings in Businessweek, US News and World Report, FT, Wall Street Journal, EIU, and Forbes. See also my ranking of “Top 20” programs by acceptance rate. Click here for all of my rankings tables together in one post.The “Real” […]
Columbia Business School Fall 2008 Admission Essays
Jan, 17, 2008
File this one in the better late than never category. I have been busy with clients and thus not able to cover all the topics I had wanted to last year. For those who have not applied yet, I thought I would post my analysis of Columbia Business School’s very odd set of questions. If […]
University of Chicago GSB’s Top Ten Myths of the Admissions Process
Jan, 03, 2008
As usual, the University GSB provides great information related both to its own and other top MBA programs. Their just released “Admissions Insider: Top 10 Myths” is really worth looking at, so I have reproduced it in italics and added my own additional comments to it below: In monitoring the discussion forum, talking with GSB […]
Play it smart, but be real: The Limits of Self-Marketing
Dec, 30, 2007
While I most certainly believe in the importance of effective self-marketing when applying for an MBA or actually any kind of degree, I believe more in the truth. For obvious reasons, MBA applicants in particular are easily drawn into the traps of the pure self-marketing strategy, but this can be the case with anyone applying […]
To my readers
Dec, 25, 2007
Thank you for continuing to read my blog. Sorry that I have not written more lately, but I have been focused on consulting my clients. Once things quiet down, I will have more posts. For those applying for 3rd round, 4th round, January 2009, or Fall 2009, look for a further expansion of my blog […]
MBA First Round Blues: Learn from Failure
Dec, 15, 2007
Situation: You applied first round and were rejected by one or more Business Schools for Fall 2008 admission. Alternatively you applied first round, but have been put on the waitlist. In any event, your first round MBA applications have been less than a success, if not an outright failure. This is a common enough situation […]