Blog: Admissions Consulting

UCLA Anderson MBA Essays for Fall 2010

Aug, 02, 2009

In what follows, I will analyze the UCLA Anderson School of Management’s MBA Essay’s for 2009-2010. For Fall 2009 admission, I had the opportunity to work with five clients who were admitted to UCLA. You find testimonials from three of them here. Here are the questions and instructions taken from UCLA’s website: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please […]


Columbia Business School September Term 2010 Essays

Jul, 30, 2009

In this post I discuss the essay questions for admission to the Columbia School of Business September (Early and Regular Decision) 2010 MBA. Finally, don’t forget to read my concluding remarks. EARLY VERSUS REGULAR DECISIONYou can find my detailed discussion of Early versus Regular Decision here. While I worked with two clients who were admitted […]


UC Berkeley Haas MBA Essays for Fall 2010 Admission

Jul, 29, 2009

The University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business is along with HBS and Stanford GSB, one of the hardest programs to get into. The program is small and attracts a very diverse group of students. The objective of Haas admissions is to find the best applicants in order to put together a diverse group […]


Kellogg 2009-2010 MBA Essay Questions

Jul, 29, 2009

In the post, I analyze Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business 2010 Application Essay Questions for the MBA and MMM programs. I have taken the questions from Kellogg’s website. Some thoughts on Kellogg’s location: A highly biased commentary on why location matters. Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Business has the good fortune to be located […]


Wharton Fall 2010 Admission: Application Essay Questions

Jul, 24, 2009

In this post, I will analyze the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania’s Fall 2010 (Class of 2012) MBA essay application questions for first-time applicants. Wharton: A real commitment to admitting diverse candidatesFor Fall 2010, five of my comprehensive service clients were admitted to Wharton. You can find their results and testimonials as well […]


HBS: What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?

Jul, 16, 2009

This post is on the fifth of five of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2010 Admission. You must answer two questions out of five of these options. All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, and Option […]


HBS: Write a cover letter to your application introducing yourself to the Admissions Board.

Jul, 16, 2009

This post is on the forth of five of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2010 Admission. You must answer two questions out of five of these options. All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, and Option […]


HBS: Tell us about a time when you made a difficult decision.

Jul, 16, 2009

This post is on the third of five of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2010 Admission. You must answer two questions out of five of these options. All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, and Option […]


HBS: Discuss how you have engaged with a community or organization.

Jul, 14, 2009

This post is on the second of five of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2010 Admission. You must answer two questions out of five of these options. All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, and Option […]


HBS: What would you like the MBA Admissions Board to know about your undergraduate academic experience?

Jul, 14, 2009

This post is on the first of five of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2010 Admission. You must answer two questions out of five of these options. All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, and Option […]


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