Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
Stanford GSB MBA Essays and Application for the Class of 2021
Jul, 04, 2018
In this post, I analyze the Stanford GSB MBA (also MBA and MSX) essays and additional information/resume/employment history/activities for Class of 2021 Admission. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can be found here. In addition to the Class of 2021 post, I also recommend reading and/or listening to my presentation, “So you want to get into Stanford GSB?” which was […]
HBS Class of 2021 MBA Admissions Application
Apr, 26, 2018
In this post, I will be analyzing the essay question and key components of the HBS Application for the Class of 2021. In addition to discussing overall HBS application strategy and the required essay, I will discuss key parts of the application form, resume, and transcript. I also provide some advice for HBS reapplicants and Harvard […]
Core Concepts for a Successful MBA Application Strategy Workshop in Tokyo on April 30th
Mar, 31, 2018
In what I hope to be the first of a new series of workshops that I will initially deliver in 2018 in Japan. I am happy to announce that I will be having a Core Concepts for a Successful MBA Application Strategy on April 30th in Tokyo. The Tokyo-based workshops are being run in collaboration with […]
Preparing for Wharton Interviews for the Class of 2020
Feb, 09, 2018
In this post, I discuss how to prepare for Wharton Interviews for fall 2018 entry. There are two parts to the Wharton interview, the team-based interview and one-to-one interview. Each part can be prepared for. I am assuming anyone who is reading this post has actually been invited for a Wharton interview and has […]
Wharton MBA Essay Questions for Class of 2020
Aug, 17, 2017
In this post, I analyze the essay questions for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for Fall 2018 admission. You can find testimonials from my clients admitted to Wharton in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 here. For my most recent post on Wharton interviews, please see here and here. My clients have […]
Stanford GSB MBA Essays and Application for the Class of 2020
Aug, 16, 2017
In this post, I analyze the Stanford GSB MBA essays and additional information/resume/employment history/activities for Class of 2020 Admission. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can be found here. In addition to the Class of 2020 post, I also recommend reading and/or listening to my presentation, “So you want to get into Stanford GSB?” which was made to a Japanese […]
HBS Class of 2020 MBA Admissions Application
Aug, 16, 2017
In this post, I will be analyzing the essay question and key components of the HBS Application for the Class of 2020. In addition to discussing overall HBS application strategy and the required essay, I will discuss key parts of the application form, resume, and transcript. I also provide some advice for HBS reapplicants and Harvard […]
Back on blog/update/From New Delhi to Helsinki
Jul, 12, 2017
I have been off from blogging since March but my posts will be flying out from today. From April to end of June I was traveling. A bit about that. This does not have much to do with admissions advice but more to do with me. For most of April, I was in India. This […]
MBA Application Planning For 2018 Entry
Mar, 23, 2017
Now that Round two results for 2017 entry are coming in, I am increasingly focused on initial consultations for MBA applicants applying for 2018 entry. They often ask what to do now before essay season, which really begins June, commences. Here is what I tell them: 1. If your GMAT (or GRE equivalent) is not […]
Interview Preparation: There is no one way to do it.
Mar, 06, 2017
One thing I have learned over the last 15 plus years of coaching applicants on MBA, scholarship, and other admissions interviews is that there is no one way to prepare. What works for one applicant, does not necessarily work for another. People not only have different learning styles, they have different psychologies. If you are […]
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