Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
"Real" Global MBA Rankings for 2008: "The 98"
Feb, 09, 2008
June, 19, 2008 Update: Please also see my comparison and averaged ranking of “Top 20” MBA rankings in Businessweek, US News and World Report, FT, Wall Street Journal, EIU, and Forbes. See also my ranking of “Top 20” programs by acceptance rate. Click here for all of my rankings tables together in one post.The “Real” […]
Admissions Director & Consultant Simultaneously?
Feb, 07, 2008
To a few readers who asked about this recent controversy, I would direct your attention to the AIGAC blog (Specific post quoted in full below). As the first member of AIGAC residing in Japan, I fully endorse my organization’s position: “Admissions Director & Consultant– Simultaneously? In recent days articles have appeared in the press about […]
Financial Times Global MBA 2008 rankings
Feb, 06, 2008
You can view all of the glorious FT Rankings for 2008! So exciting… I don’t generally blog about rankings because lots of other people do and I find the topic basically pointless. At the end of the day, I look at starting salaries for grads and don’t worry about the rest of it. To their […]
Columbia Business School Fall 2008 Admission Essays
Jan, 17, 2008
File this one in the better late than never category. I have been busy with clients and thus not able to cover all the topics I had wanted to last year. For those who have not applied yet, I thought I would post my analysis of Columbia Business School’s very odd set of questions. If […]
Jan, 04, 2008
(English Version) 僕の仕事は熱心な出願者の入学を助けることであって、MBAの必要性を説くことではない。率直に言って、僕のMBA入学コンサルタントとしての長所は、この質問にとてもニュートラルであるということだ。なぜなら、MBAがいつも価値あるものであるとか、大学院においてそれがベストな選択だとは信じていないからだ。 もし誰かが「私はMBAを取得するべきなのでしょうか?」と質問してきたら、僕は大体こういう風に答えている。「僕がその質問に答えることはできませんが、あなたはあなた自身に次の質問をする必要があります。 1. MBAを取得したら、個人的に、また仕事上において、どのような影響がありますか? 2. どうしてあなたのプロフェッショナルなゴールにMBAが必要なのですか? 3. あなたは本当に1年から2年間、学校に戻りたいと思いますか? 4. MBAの費用はどうしますか? 5. 出願手続きをコミットする準備はできていますか? 6. 「機会費用」について考えましたか?経費だけではなく、時間についても。 7. ROI(投資利益率)を計算しましたか?(Click here for the Businessweek MBA ROI calculator.) 8. この学位はあなたに適切なものですか?他の学位やトレーニングについても考えてみましたか? 9. MBAプログラムについてどのくらい知っていますか? 10. どの学校に出願しますか?それはなぜ? あなたにとってMBAが本当に必要かどうかを見極めるためにも、上記の質問に答えなければいけません。加えて、一度これらの質問に答えることは、MBAエッセイとインタビューへの良い初期対策となるでしょう。もし自分の答えに満足いかないときは、もっと深く考えて、より調査することが必要です。 僕の経験から言うと、自分の選択肢をよく考えるために時間を割く人は良い決断をします。もしその人たちがMBAを取得する決定をしたなら、それは優位な立場から決定したと言えるのです。 何かご質問は? コメントを僕に直接送ってください。お気軽にadammarkus@gmail.comへ英語でご連絡ください。-アダム マーカス,Adam Markus のカウンセリングサービス MBA留学
University of Chicago GSB’s Top Ten Myths of the Admissions Process
Jan, 03, 2008
As usual, the University GSB provides great information related both to its own and other top MBA programs. Their just released “Admissions Insider: Top 10 Myths” is really worth looking at, so I have reproduced it in italics and added my own additional comments to it below: In monitoring the discussion forum, talking with GSB […]
Play it smart, but be real: The Limits of Self-Marketing
Dec, 30, 2007
While I most certainly believe in the importance of effective self-marketing when applying for an MBA or actually any kind of degree, I believe more in the truth. For obvious reasons, MBA applicants in particular are easily drawn into the traps of the pure self-marketing strategy, but this can be the case with anyone applying […]
To my readers
Dec, 25, 2007
Thank you for continuing to read my blog. Sorry that I have not written more lately, but I have been focused on consulting my clients. Once things quiet down, I will have more posts. For those applying for 3rd round, 4th round, January 2009, or Fall 2009, look for a further expansion of my blog […]
MBA First Round Blues: Learn from Failure
Dec, 15, 2007
Situation: You applied first round and were rejected by one or more Business Schools for Fall 2008 admission. Alternatively you applied first round, but have been put on the waitlist. In any event, your first round MBA applications have been less than a success, if not an outright failure. This is a common enough situation […]
MBA Application Myth: GMAT is Everything!
Dec, 11, 2007
Yes, the GMAT matters, but some applicants focus too much energy exclusively on GMAT and don’t think about the rest of the process. Of course, you maybe forced to study GMAT while simultaneously preparing your applications. This is not ideal, but it beats doing the applications as an afterthought. Myths about the GMAT abound. More […]
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