

Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!

MIT Sloan MBA 1st-Year Student Interview

Mar, 18, 2008

(CLICK HERE FOR FALL 2009 MIT SLOAN CLASS OF 2011 ESSAY QUESTION ANALYSIS. ) First-year MIT Sloan MBA student and blogger, Kaz, was kind enough to answer a series of questions. Before coming to MIT Sloan, Kaz worked for one of Japan’s large trading firms for nine years. He spent three years in the Tokyo […]


School Selection: Where to apply? Where to go?

Mar, 18, 2008

This is the first in series of posts on school selection for both those in the process of selecting where to apply to and those deciding where to attend. See my other related posts on academic fit, ranking, location, financing your education, and prestige. From my perspective, when deciding where you are going to spend […]


AIGAC in the News

Mar, 14, 2008

As some readers of my blog know, I am a member of AIGAC, a professional association of graduate admissions counselors. AIGAC just received very favorable coverage in INSIDE HIGHER ED, the single best source for serious journalism on higher education. Here are some excerpts:Should a private admissions counselor also be able to work for a […]


Q&A with McCombs MBA Student Adcom Member & Blogger

Mar, 11, 2008

Tatsuya Ishihara, who will be graduating from the MBA program at McCombs this spring, was kind enough to answer my questions regarding his experience. I have previously mentioned Tatsuya’s blog, which is a great source of information on his experience in Austin. After graduating from Shimonoseki City University (he also studied as an exchange student […]


Georgetown University McDonough MBA Interviews

Mar, 07, 2008

I reviewed the reports of Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business’ MBA Full-Time Program interviews found at accepted.com. These reports reveal that there are five key things to consider when preparing for Georgetown interviews: 1. You need to know your resume completely as you will likely be asked about content in it. Review it carefully […]


Waitlisted? Now what?

Mar, 04, 2008

You can find an updated version of this post here. This seems to be a very tough year to get admitted. I think we can assume next year will be even worse because more Americans will be applying to graduate school in lieu of being unemployed or underemployed. When the US economy goes bad, applications […]


Legacy Admissions Versus Merit-based Admissions

Feb, 20, 2008

I strongly suggest reading Shikha Dalmia‘s excellent essay, “Legacies of Injustice: Alumni preferences threaten educational equity–and no one seems to care.” As someone who believes that university admissions at both the undergraduate and graduate level should be based on the merits of the applicant, I hope that the preferential admissions of applicants who are the […]


MBA Interview Preparation: Special Offer to My Readers

Feb, 16, 2008

If you have appreciated my blog posts on MBA interview preparation, you can now get get even more comprehensive advice from me. To thank readers of my blog, I am happy to offer a comprehensive interview preparation consulting session service. This special offer is available only for those seeking interview preparation and consists of the […]


Additional Comments Regarding "The 98"

Feb, 10, 2008

Click here for all of my rankings tables together in one post. In regards to “The 98,” my MBA program ranking by salary, I wanted to make some additional comments. One advantage of a salary-based list of programs worldwide is that it helps to see the rising market value of MBA programs. It also means […]


Q&A with RSM MBA Director of Admissions

Feb, 09, 2008

As I discussed in a previous post focused on my analysis of essay questions, RSM Erasmus University’s International Full-Time MBA Program is a truly international program offering great ROI to graduates. Kirt Wood, the Director of Marketing and Admissions at RSM was kind enough to provide some really great advice for applicants.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kirt was kind enough […]


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