

Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!

"B-Schools Wary on Lehman, Merrill Impact"

Sep, 17, 2008

The September 17th BusinessWeek article, “B-Schools Wary on Lehman, Merrill Impact,” makes for somewhat grim reading, especially for those graduating in Spring 2009: How bad will it be? Most business schools contacted this week say it’s too early to tell, but Alan Johnson, CEO of Johnson Associates, a compensation consultancy. predicts hiring will be down […]


MBA Goals During Times of Economic Uncertainty

Sep, 17, 2008

In the video below, I consider the impact of the present business climate on how applicants should position their goals. Obviously recent business trends may very well negatively impact your intended future professional goals, but how to account for that in your Fall 2009 MBA application? Key Points Discussed:1. Stick to your goals, but consider […]


アイルラン 留学フェスティバル2008

Sep, 12, 2008

My friends at Japan’s Enterprise Ireland Office asked me to announce that they will be holding an education fair in Osaka and Tokyo. The English version follows the Japanese.-Adam 開催名称  : アイルランド留学フェスティバル2008会期 : 10月11日(土)大阪;13日(月)東京 アイルランド留学フェスティバルに行こう!大学や語学学校の代表者から直接情報収集できるアイルランド留学フェスティバルに参加しませんか? アイルランド政府商務庁とアイルランド政府観光庁は「アイルランド留学フェスティバル2008」を今年の10月に共催します。フェスティバルでは、アイルランドより約15校の代表者が来日を予定しており、直接来場者と各校別のブースにて留学相談をして頂けます。当日は教育制度や大学及び語学学校などの各種留学セミナーだけではなく、アイルランドのユニークな文化(人気のケルト音楽、アイリッシュダンス、スポーツ、美味しいアイリッシュ・フードなど)を紹介します。「オールウェイズ ウェルカム」アイルランドへの扉を開けてみませんか? 主催 : アイルランド政府商務庁 アイルランド政府観光庁開催名称  : アイルランド留学フェスティバル2008大阪会期 : 10月11日(土)13:00~18:00会場 : 読売新聞ホール東京会期 : 10月13日(月、祭日)11:00~18:00会場 : 読売新聞ホール 参加校 : 大学、カレッジ、語学学校、約20校予定(通訳付き)入場料 : 入場無料ウェブサイト : www.study-ireland.jp Ireland Study Abroad Festival 2008October 11th (sat) in Osaka; October […]


The Scoretop 84

Sep, 10, 2008

GMAC announced that they canceled the GMAT scores of 84 Scoretop users: The Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®) has announced the completion of its investigation of GMAT® test takers who paid to receive active test questions on the Web site Scoretop.com, in violation of GMAC testing policies and procedures. As a result of the investigation, […]


Tokyo MBA Tour Event Report

Sep, 09, 2008

Steve Green and I attended the Tokyo MBA Tour last night. It was a very well attended event. For us it was a good opportunity to meet some alums we know, gather a couple of brochures, and see which schools were attracting the most attention. Among the big name programs in attendance were Yale, Cornell, […]


Need to calculate your GPA?

Sep, 07, 2008

If you need to calculate your 4.0 scale GPA, please see http://www.back2college.com/gpa.htm. This page provides a very clear explanation of how to do so. It also provides a calculator for determining GPA for every semester. -Adam Markusアダム マーカス


At The MBA Tour Tonight 9/8 in Tokyo

Sep, 07, 2008

Regardless of the weather, I will be at The MBA Tour tonight at The Palace Hotel. My colleague and fellow blogger, Steve Green, will also be attending. While I suspect I will do a bit of Twitter, mostly I will be gathering some brochures. Some video reporting will follow. If you go to this or […]


UC Berkeley Haas MBA Essays for Fall 2009 Admission

Sep, 07, 2008

The University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business is one of the most difficult MBA programs to be admitted to. The program is small and attracts a very diverse group of students. The objective of Haas admissions is certainly to find the best applicants in order to put together a diverse group of students […]


Can’t go to the Chicago GSB Fall 2008 Tokyo Event

Sep, 07, 2008

My apologies to anyone who was expecting my report on the Chicago GSB September 7, 2008 Admissions Event. As my intrepid camerawoman(wife) and I left our home, we were rained upon and even with big umbrellas found ourselves soaked to the bone. Beating a hasty retreat home, we took it as a sign that this […]


Upcoming Tokyo MBA Events

Sep, 04, 2008

I plan on reporting on the following Tokyo MBA events:Chicago GSB, 9/7The MBA Tour, 9/8Stanford GSB, 9/21HBS, 9/29LBS, 10/7Wharton, 10/9Columbia, 10/27 This list is subject to change. Since twittering at the MIT event worked fairly well, I plan to continue doing it. Hopefully I will be able to Twitter at all of the events, so […]


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