Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
On consistency between your application and recommendations
Dec, 22, 2008
I am frequently asked questions from MBA, LL.M., MPA, and other graduate school applicants about how much consistency there should between their application (essays, resume, and application form content) and their recommendations. This is a complex and annoying issue for many applicants, especially if they themselves and/or their recommenders come from countries where such recommendations […]
Should I be simple or complex?
Dec, 13, 2008
One thing that frequently arises when I work with my clients on MBA essays is the extent to which they should provide a simple or a complex portrait of themselves. My general strategy is to always say that I am greedy and therefore I want to learn as much about them as possible. Admissions committees, […]
Submit a weak 2nd round MBA application or apply in 3rd round with a stronger application?
Dec, 11, 2008
This question always comes up, so I want to provide my official answer: If your MBA application is truly weak for 2nd round and you can get it better by 3rd round, apply in the 3rd round. Now, of course, this is a trick answer. “Weak” is a relative term. “Weak” for HBS or Stanford […]
Don’t Be A Student Leader At Michigan State University
Dec, 11, 2008
UPDATE: MSU dropped their charges! I ask my readers to indulge me in going off-topic and being slightly political. I wanted to bring my readers attention to the fact that Michigan State University, the home of the Broad School MBA program, is no friend of student leadership according to FIRE (The Foundation for Individual Rights […]
Graduate Application Forms: All those little questions matter!
Dec, 05, 2008
Sorry for the long hiatus. At least I can offer you something really long. In this first post of the month, I wanted to tackle one of the most exciting parts of the parts of the graduate admissions process….THE APPLICATION FORM. If you are starting to get sleepy, I understand, but THE REASON SCHOOLS ASK […]
Nov, 28, 2008
My former client and fellow blogger, Kaz, who I have previously interviewed, has a new column, MBA生ライブレポート. 私の以前のクライアントで、MIT Sloan在校生のKazが、MBA生活のコラムを書いていますので、紹介します。Kaz自身のブログはこちら(です。 私は以前、『あなたはMBAを必要としていますか?』という記事を書きました。 そこで紹介したチェックポイントを考えるにあたって、Kazのような在校生の日々の記録は、あなたに何かのヒントを与えてくれるかもしれません。 -アダム
Yes, I have been busy…
Nov, 23, 2008
To my regular readers, you may have noticed that my posts in November have been rather minimal. Well, I am sorry, but as you imagine, I have been busy working with clients. I am preparing some posts for the blog, but my writing time has been in short supply. I can’t promise things will get […]
Warning: Stanford Online Application Essay Page
Nov, 23, 2008
I just wanted to let all Fall 2009 Stanford GSB Applicants (Click here for my full analysis of Stanford GSB MBA Essay Questions for 2008/2009), for 2nd and 3rd round, know that the online application question page does a awful job of presenting the Essay C questions. It states the following: “Essay C: Please answer […]
Must Read BusinessWeek Article
Nov, 14, 2008
I encourage all MBA applicants to read the BW article, “Crisis Hits the Business Schools,” by Alison Damast. This does not make for happy reading, but is great reporting on both the job outlook for graduates and the increase in applications this year.-Adam MBA留学
One word version is "Booth" not "GSB"
Nov, 13, 2008
DON’T CALL IT GSB. DEALBREAKER has published an email from Dean Ted Snyder on what to call Chicago Booth. All Booth applicants should only use one of the three names below. When you want to only use one word, call it “Booth,” and never call it “GSB.” And if you applied before the announcement, don’t […]
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