Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
Are good MBA application essays like maple syrup?
Nov, 08, 2009
One of my clients dared me to write this. Since it is 1:49am right now and I am bit tired from doing a significant amount of interview prep with a number of clients today, I thought it might be nice to write this. Warning: There is a high likelihood that what follows will not help […]
MIT Sloan MBA Interviews
Oct, 29, 2009
My analysis of MIT Sloan’s MBA essays can be found here. This post has remained relatively unchanged from the one I put up last year. My colleague, Steve Green, has put together a list of common MIT Sloan interview questions, it can be found here. Before reading the rest of this post, I strongly suggest […]
Columbia Business School Alumni Interviews
Oct, 29, 2009
This is updated from last year. No major changes. You can find my analysis of Columbia’s essays for Fall 2010 here. Columbia Business School offers only one flavor of admissions interview: “Columbia Business School Ambassador” alumni invitation-only interviews. You will get to select from multiple interviewers, so try to figure out who they are first […]
"I’m at Sloan (ft. D-Pain) – MIT Sloan MBA Rap Song"
Oct, 24, 2009
Take a break between writing essays and studying GMAT:MIT Sloan MBA Rap Song – Wanna know what life at MIT Sloan is like – check this out.Directed and Edited by Ash MartinLyrics by James Blair and Ash Martin, Song performed by James Blair and Ash Martin Starring Dapo Bakare, James Blair, Ash Martin, and Tyler […]
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School 日本人受験生向けオンラインチャット(日本語)開催のお知らせ
Oct, 09, 2009
The Japanese students at UNC Kenan-Flagler asked me to post this notice regarding an online chat that they will be doing for applicants..-Adam Markusアダム マーカス ——————————————————————————— UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School 日本人受験生向けオンラインチャット(日本語) 開催のお知らせ MBA受験生の皆様 拝啓 秋晴れの候、ますます御健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。MBA受験生の皆様におかれましては、受験準備でお忙しい毎日を送られていることと存じます。 さてこの度、UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School日本人在校生一同、 インターネットを通じた日本語によるオンライン・ライブチャットを下記の通り開催することといたしました。日本人在校生が、アプリケーション・インタ ビュー・チャペルヒルでの生活や卒業後の進路などについて、広く皆様のご質問にお答えいたします。当校へ出願を検討されている方を対象としておりますが、2010年以降に出願を予定されている方のご参加も大歓迎です。 インターネットに接続可能な環境がある方でしたら、どなたでも参加可能です。また事前登録も不要です。 受験仲間をお誘い合わせの上、ぜひご参加ください。皆様とチャットでお会いできることを楽しみにしております。 敬具 記 日時日本時間2009年11月7日(土曜日) 午後11時~午前0時アメリカ東部時間2009年11月7日(土曜日) 午前9時~午前10時 アクセス方法 UNC at CH MBA日本語HPにアクセス 近日中にアップ予定のチャット専用URL(トップ画面をご参照ください)をクリック 新しいウインドウが現れ、Please enter your full […]
Interview with a Chicago Booth Class of 2010 MBA Student
Oct, 08, 2009
A former client, a member of the Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2010, was kind enough to answer my questions. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Adam: So, what did you learn during your first year at Booth? Booth2010: First year is mainly getting core classes done (Accounting, Microeconomics, Statistics) to be able to take more advanced classes. Form a […]
A Happy Story of HBS Rejection
Oct, 08, 2009
A Happy Story of HBS Rejection: Reflections on The Snowball by Alice Schroeder Once upon a time a slightly odd nineteen year-old with a continuous entrepreneurial track record from early childhood, an odd university history (attended a top East Coast School, but graduated from a public university of little repute outside its home state), and […]
MBA Application Interview Strategy
Oct, 08, 2009
This post includes minor updates made in November 2010. A REACTIVE VS PROACTIVE APPROACH TO INTERVIEW PREPARATION First, I think it useful to contrast two different of ways of preparing interviews. As I will argue, a proactive approach to interviews is a more effective way to prepare for an MBA interview. 1. REACTIVE INTERVIEW PREPARATION […]
Should you press the apply button?
Oct, 04, 2009
Feeling rushed? Uncertain about whether that first round MBA application is really ready? Planning on taking the GMAT again, but feeling an absolute urge to apply round one? My general advice is to wait. If you really think what you have is not nearly as good as it could be because(1) you don’t know enough […]
The Duke MBA Fee Reduction Program
Oct, 03, 2009
Below is an email I received from Duke MBA admissions on Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:47 PM. While I think it is great that they are offering an application fee reduction from $200 to $50 to those “who schedule a campus visit through our online scheduling tool and come to Durham or who register for and […]
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