Happy Holidays!
Dec, 25, 2009
Now get back to graduate school application preparation!Adam
Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
Dec, 25, 2009
Now get back to graduate school application preparation!Adam
Dec, 20, 2009
Comparatively speaking, HBS provides a more transparent approach to admissions data than any other MBA program. In addition to essentially breaking down the age distribution by revealing the year of undergraduate graduation and providing extensive statistical profiles, HBS has recently uploaded the list of all undergraduate institutions that members of the classes of 2009-2011. This […]
Dec, 17, 2009
While I have previously discussed the issue below and personally take a very neutral position on whether one should take the GMAT or GRE, Jose Ferreira, the Founder and CEO of Knewton takes a very anti-GRE position. One of the primary reasons I was initially attracted to having Knewton both advertise and provide GMAT content […]
Dec, 17, 2009
If you were waitlisted for B-School in Round 1, I suggest taking a look at a post I wrote earlier this year, “Waitlisted, Now what?” In addition, to what I have written there, I would just add that a waitlist is an indication that you are basically doing many things right, but might be doing […]
Dec, 16, 2009
Well, we are in the midst of first round results for top MBA programs, so I thought it would be a good time to discuss what to do if your R1 efforts don’t seem to be working. Of course, sometimes, the issue might simply be that you are applying to reach schools in R1 and […]
Dec, 02, 2009
As I mentioned in my last post of November, I will be having GMAT content from my Linkshare advertising partner, Knewton, Inc., on my blog. What made me decide to partner with them was the strength of their test development team and the price and quality of their approach to test preparation. I was […]
Dec, 01, 2009
Sorry for the long silence, but I have been a bit busy helping my clients. I have been suffering from extreme blog withdrawal. I would like to say that there will be a ton of posts in December, but that is probably not likely. I am also hoping to update IMD as their questions changed for […]
Nov, 23, 2009
May 20, 2011 Update: My Linkshare arrangement with Knewton has ended. I am pleased to announce that Knewton, Inc. will be providing my blog with GMAT content. I think Knewton, Inc. offers a superior GMAT course option. They have a great development team lead by some of the best in test prep and are offering […]
Nov, 11, 2009
I have made a few minor changes to this year’s version of this post. Before reading this post on UC Berkeley Haas MBA, I suggest reviewing the Director of Admissions for the Full-time MBA Program’s excellent Tips for Acing the Admissions Interview. I also suggest that you listen to the short podcast on interviewing found […]
Nov, 09, 2009
While it is too early for most results to be in, two of my clients were admitted to CBS J-Term and one client was admitted to HEC and IE. You can find testimonials from two of them here. I will post more results and testimonials as they become available. -Adam-アダム