Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
ミシガンレセプション ~学校説明会と懇親会
Aug, 10, 2010
A member of the Ross Japan Alumni Club asked that post information about the Ross Information Session that will be held on August 26, 2010. The session will be followed by a cocktail party hosted by the Japan Alumni Club. -Adamアダムミシガンレセプション ~学校説明会と懇親会~ このたび、ビジネススクール出願を考えていらっしゃる皆様に、ミシガン大学Ross School of Businessをより良く知って頂くため、来る8月26日(木)にレセプションを開催いたします。 本レセプションの特徴は、入学審査官が来日して学校説明を行う「本会」と、卒業生も数十人参加予定、立食形式で懇親を深める「二次会」の二部構成を、アプリカントは共に無料にてご参加頂ける点です。両会、または、いずれか一方ご都合のつく会にお気軽にご参加頂き、ミシガンビジネススクール同窓会のネットワークをぜひ体感してみて下さい! そして、大人数のセッションでは聞けないような疑問を、この機会にぜひ色々とお尋ねになって下さい。 ◎本会 (学校説明会) ~入学審査官が来日し説明~日時 : 8月26日(木) 19:15~20:40 (19:00より受付開始)会場 : […]
Guest Blogger: 河野太一のGMAT OG12解説 SC16
Aug, 02, 2010
This is another post from Taichi Kono, author of two textbooks on TOEFL and one on TOEIC and a highly experienced TOEFL, TOEIC, and GMAT instructor. Most of his posts will be in Japanese. This post is on GMAT sentence correction. His other posts can be found here.-Adam ——————————————————————————————— 河野塾代表の河野太一です。年来の友人であるAdam Markusさんのご厚意で、”The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition”の解説ブログの内容の一部をこちらにアップさせていただくことになりました。オリジナルは河野太一のGMAT OG12解説でご覧いただけます。なお、オリジナルのほうは予告なく内容を変更することがあり、ここに上げたものと相違があることがありますのでご了承ください。私のこれまでの記事やGMAT以外の話題についてはこちらをご覧ください。 SC16Retail stores […]
Q&A with London Business School MBA Class of 2011 Student
Aug, 02, 2010
My former client Ryuhei, London Business School MBA Class of 2011, was kind enough to email me his answers to some questions I had about the program. After studying international political science at KEIO University, Ryuhei worked for NTT DOCOMO in the telecommunications sector in a number of roles. These included brand marketing, intellectual property management, and […]
Should an Entrepreneur pursue an MBA?
Jul, 28, 2010
The following is my response to Chad Troutwine’s editorial, “Why You Should Pursue an M.B.A.” that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on July 27th. It is a slightly modified version of my comment attached to that editorial. As an MBA (I don’t follow the Wall Street style manual) admissions consultant since 2001, I am […]
Guest Blogger: 河野太一のGMAT OG12解説 SC15
Jul, 25, 2010
This is another post from Taichi Kono, author of two textbooks on TOEFL and one on TOEIC and a highly experienced TOEFL, TOEIC, and GMAT instructor. Most of his posts will be in Japanese. This post is on GMAT sentence correction. His other posts can be found here.-Adam ——————————————————————————————— 河野塾代表の河野太一です。年来の友人であるAdam Markusさんのご厚意で、”The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition”の解説ブログの内容の一部をこちらにアップさせていただくことになりました。オリジナルは河野太一のGMAT OG12解説でご覧いただけます。なお、オリジナルのほうは予告なく内容を変更することがあり、ここに上げたものと相違があることがありますのでご了承ください。私のこれまでの記事やGMAT以外の話題についてはこちらをご覧ください。 SC15文全体の構造を把握してから取りかかるのが筋(というか、速くて正確な手法)だが、キレイに揃った選択肢の頭が否が応でも目に入る。一見してdoing副詞(分詞構文)か<and +動詞>かという選択の問題であることが見て取れる。 […]
When you join the HBS Class of 2013, how will you introduce yourself to your new classmates?
Jul, 23, 2010
This post is on the forth of four of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2011 Admission.All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4. My post on HBS interviews can be found here. My post on HBS […]
HBS: Tell us about a time in your professional experience when you were frustrated or disappointed.
Jul, 18, 2010
This post is on the third of four of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2011 Admission.All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4. My post on HBS interviews can be found here. 3. Tell us about […]
HBS: What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?
Jul, 14, 2010
This post is on the second of four of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 2011 Admission.All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4. My post on HBS interviews can be found here. My post on HBS […]
HBS: What would you like the MBA Admissions Board to know about your undergraduate academic experience?
Jul, 14, 2010
This post is on the first of four of the “pick two” questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for Fall 201 Admission.All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4. My post on HBS interviews can be found here. My post on HBS […]
HBS: What have you learned from a mistake?
Jul, 14, 2010
This post is on the second of the two required questions for the Harvard Business School MBA Application for 2011 admission.All the posts in this series: Overall Strategy, Accomplishments, Mistake, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, and Option 4. My post on HBS interviews can be found here. My post on HBS recommendation questions can […]
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