Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
HBS MBA Program Class of 2014 MBA Essays and Recommendations
May, 16, 2011
This post is focused on the HBS MBA program. For the 2+2 MBA program essays, see here. For HBS interviews, see here. In this very long post, I will discuss the HBS MBA Program Class of 2014 application essays and recommendation questions. I have had comprehensive service clients admitted to the regular HBS MBA for the Classes […]
Back from my offline vacation
May, 15, 2011
I am back from being offline during an amazing vacation in Turkey and the Greek island of Rhodes. While I will be in the US from 5/21-6/14, I intend to do regular posts. I expect to start posting a series of Q&As with former clients who are either in their midst of or graduating […]
How to pick a graduate admissions consultant
Apr, 28, 2011
In the post, I provide some general suggestions for selecting a graduate admissions consultant. I have previously discussed the whole issue of application advisers in Admissions Advice: Mentor, Consultant, Editor or Ghostwriter?, but I wanted to provide a practical guide for the purpose of admissions counselor, consultant, and/or adviser selection. This post does make use […]
Bain & Company 2011 MBA壮行会
Apr, 28, 2011
Bain & Company asked that I post this. -Adam この度は、ビジネススクールへの合格、おめでとうございます。 ベイン・アンド・カンパニーでは、この度、日本の経済、企業の成功を実現するカタリストとしての 高い志を持ち、今年ビジネススクールにご入学される皆様向けに、MBA壮行会を開催いたします この機会に弊社のカルチャーを感じて頂くと同時に、ビジネススクールで何を学びご卒業後の キャリアにどう活かすかについて、弊社のコンサルティングスタッフの体験紹介・懇親会を通じて 共有させていただければ幸いです。 もしご興味をお持ち頂けましたら、下記をご参照の上、当メールにご返信をお願い致します。 ご参加をお待ちしております。 2011 MBA壮行会のご案内 日時: 2011年5月24日(火)19時~21時30分(18時45分受付開始) 会場: トラストシティカンファレンス丸の内 東京都千代田区丸の内1-8-1 丸の内トラストタワーN館3階 プログラム: ■ カクテルリセプション(19:00-19:30) ■ 開会のご挨拶・弊社ご紹介(19:30-) ■ MBA留学経験者によるパネルディスカッション ■ コンサルティングスタッフとの懇親会 お申込資格:2011年に日本国外のビジネススクールに入学予定の方 お申込み方法:以下MBA採用担当メールアドレス宛に ①お名前 ②ご入学予定のビジネスクール名③履歴書④ご連絡先電話番号と合わせてE-mailにて参加希望の旨ご連絡ください MBA採用担当メールアドレス お申込締切:2011年5月19日(木) ※席に限りがありますため、お申込み多数の場合は抽選とさせていただきます。予めご了承ください。 ※抽選結果は5月20日(金)に当日のご案内と合わせてご連絡いたします。 ※提出いただいた個人情報は弊社採用活動以外の目的には一切使用いたしません。また、情報は厳重に管理いたします。
I will be on vacation through May 15th
Apr, 28, 2011
I will be on vacation and totally offline through May 15th so there will be no more posts until sometime around the 16th. If you are interested in my overall counseling services and would like to arrange an initial consultation, please complete my intake form, which is publicly available on Google Docs and Scribed, and then send your completed form […]
INSEAD MBA Interviews
Apr, 27, 2011
My analysis of the INSEAD application essays can be found here. My overall strategy for interviewing can be found here. INSEAD alumni interviews, of which most applicants will have two of, are not necessarily that hard in any obvious way. The INSEAD website states that the majority of applicants will have two such interviews. Actually, […]
HBS 2+2 Program Class of 2016 MBA Essays and Recommendations
Apr, 26, 2011
This post is focused on the HBS 2+2 program. For the regular MBA program essays, see here. For the regular program, recommendations see here. For HBS interviews, see here. In this very long post, I will discuss the HBS 2+2 Program Class of 2016 MBA application essays and recommendations. I have only worked with two […]
The role of prestige in graduate school selection
Apr, 25, 2011
This is revised and extended from a post that I wrote in 2008. In this post I will consider the most nebulous factor of school selection that can have real lifetime consequences: prestige. We can define prestige in this context as the brand value of a school in terms of the status that it confers […]
School Selection: academic fit, location and financing
Apr, 25, 2011
In this post, revised from three that I last updated in 2008, I will consider the role of academic fit, location, and financing in graduate school selection. I suggest reading my posts on fit and prestige as well. ACADEMIC FIT Whether you are in the process of deciding where to go or are deciding where […]
A guide to my resources for reapplicants
Apr, 25, 2011
I love reapplicants because they approach the admissions process with a level of commitment, realism, and focus that only the best first-time applicants can match. Failure is a harsh teacher, but for intelligent people, a great one. For fall 2011, my reapplicant clients obtained admission at HBS, Stanford GSB, Haas, Chicago Booth, INSEAD and Columbia University […]
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