

Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!

Columbia Business School Essays for January and August 2012 Admission

Jun, 28, 2011

Columbia Business School has again changed their essay set.  This year, applicants applying for 2012 admission will need to write three essays and answer one short question. You can find testimonials from my clients admitted for CBS here (including one client admitted for J-Term 2012!). Before discussing the essays, I will discuss who J-Term is for […]


MBAプログラム 在校生・卒業生による説明会開催!

Jun, 26, 2011

One of my former clients asked that I post information about this unofficial LBS information session to be held in Tokyo on September 4, 2011.  It will be in Japanese.-Adam 在校生・卒業生によるLondon Business School MBAプログラムを2011年9月4日(日)に開催致します。MBAプログラムにフォーカスし、プログラムの説明、卒業生によるキーノートスピーチ、パネルディスカッション、ネットワーキングなど、London Business Schoolの魅力を皆様により深く伝えられるようなセッションを計画しております。 ※MBAプログラム以外のプログラム希望者を制限するわけではございません。 ※別途開催されるAdmission主催の説明会とは異なり、非公式説明会となっております。 ※日本語での開催となります。 日時 2011年9月4日(日)13:00 開場13:30 プログラム説明会・キーノート・パネルディスカッション15:00 ネットワーキングセッション16:00 終了 会場 日経ホール&カンファレンスルーム最寄駅:大手町・竹橋 会場の収容人数の都合から、参加希望者はこちからサインアップをお願いいたします。 ※参加登録完了の確認のメールはお送りしておりません。二重登録などにはお気をつけ下さい。 万が一キャンセルされる場合は、こちらからご連絡下さい。 パートナーの方の参加もウエルカムでございます。 皆様のご参加、お待ちしております。


INSEAD MBA Essay Questions for January and September 2012

Jun, 22, 2011

Here I discuss INSEAD’s essays for the January (Class of December 2012) and September (Class of July 2013) 2012 intakes. The questions are taken from the PDF.  Over the years, I have had an opportunity to work with a large number of clients admitted to INSEAD. I have had 5 client admitted for the January and […]


Q&A with a Member of the USC Marshall MBA Class of 2011

Jun, 21, 2011

In this post, my former client (USC2011), who just graduated from the USC Marshall School of Business, has provided great insights into the MBA program.  USC2011 provided the following background information: “I am a recent graduate of the USC Marshall School of Business. I also completed my undergraduate studies at USC in finance. Prior to business […]


Q&A with a Member of the Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2011

Jun, 02, 2011

My former client, Booth2011, is an American who previously worked at a Big 4 accounting in audit and advisory.  After Booth, he will become an associate in an investment bank.  Adam: Looking back on your MBA experience, what do you think you have gained from the experience? Booth2011: A lot of what I would like to […]


Q&A with a Member of the LBS MBA Class of 2012

Jun, 01, 2011

My former client, LBS2012, is Japanese. After working 8 years for a global IT company as an engineer and a management consultant, he joined the MBA program at the London Business School in August 2010. Adam: What parts of the program have you liked the most? The least? LBS2012: What I like most is that […]



May, 27, 2011

My former client who will attending Tuck this year asked that I post this about an upcoming information session in Tokyo.  This session will be conducted in Japanese.-Adamアダム TUCK学校説明会開催のご案内 ~TUCKの魅力を大解剖~ この度、Tuck(正式名称:Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth)の学校説明会ならびに懇親会を以下の要綱にて開催いたします。 本校の概要をはじめ、在校生・卒業生による体験談等をインフォーマルな形式にてご紹介する予定です。 全米最古の歴史をもち、小規模校ならではのインタラクティブなコミュニティ、チームワークを体感できるトップビジネススクールの一つ、Tuckの魅力を是非この機会にご確認ください。 当日は、2011年入学予定者も参加します。Tuckのみならず、MBA全般に関するご質問等にもお答えできればと考えています。ご多忙のところ恐縮ですが、ご調整の上、ご出席いただけると幸いです。 記 日時: 2011年7月2日(土)14:30~16:30 [14:00受付開始] 場所: ホテルヴィラフォンテーヌ汐留 コンファレンスセンター会議室2・3番      http://www.hvf.jp/shiodome/ 概要:  14:30-15:30 学校説明会 [プレゼンテーション、パネルディスカッション、Q&A] 15:30-16:30 懇親会 出席者:        卒業生、在校生、2011年入学予定者 お申込み: 完全予約制、下記URLから6月28日(火)までにお申し込み下さい。 […]


Q&A with a Member of the HEC MBA Class of 2011

May, 25, 2011

HEC2011, my former client, is originally from India and worked in the technology and telecom sectors in the USA as a senior software engineer prior to joining the HEC MBA. HEC2011’s Post-MBA aspiration is to work in strategy consulting in emerging markets. Adam: How would you describe the culture of the business school? HEC2011:  Culture […]


Q&A with a Member of the Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2012

May, 20, 2011

In this post. Booth1Y, a former client, has been kind enough to answer my questions regarding his first year. Booth1Y wanted me to share his background with you: “After the four year experience as an equity analyst and the three year experience in the corporate in one of the major investment banks, I got an […]


Q&A with a Member of the MIT Sloan MBA Class of 2011

May, 16, 2011

My former client, MIT2Y is an MBA candidate at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Prior to MBA, he engaged in sales & trading in Tokyo at an investment bank. After graduation, he plans to go back to his company in their NY office.   Adam: Looking back on your MBA, what do you think […]


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