Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!
Stanford GSB Essay 2: What do you want to do—REALLY—and why Stanford?
Jul, 19, 2011
This is the third of five posts analyzing the Stanford GSB MBA Essay Questions for Class of 2014 Admission. The five posts are overall comments, Essay 1, Essay 2, Essay 3, and additional information/resume/employment history/activities. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can be found here. In addition to the Class of 2014 posts, I also […]
Stanford GSB MBA Essay 3 for Class of 2014 Admission
Jul, 18, 2011
This is the fourth of five posts analyzing the Stanford GSB MBA Essay Questions for Class of 2014 Admission. The five posts are overall comments, Essay 1, Essay 2, Essay 3, and additional information/resume/employment history/activities. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can be found here. In addition to the Class of 2014 posts, I also […]
Stanford GSB: Additional Info, Resume, Employment History, Activities
Jul, 18, 2011
This is the fifth of five posts analyzing the Stanford GSB MBA Essay Questions for Class of 2014 Admission. The five posts are overall comments, Essay 1, Essay 2, Essay 3, and additional information/resume/employment history/activities. My analysis of Stanford GSB interviews can be found here. In addition to the Class of 2014 posts, I also […]
Jul, 17, 2011
I wanted to briefly discuss the HBS Class of 2013’s profile and consider what it means for future applicants. For my analysis of the essays and recommendations for the Class of 2015, please see: Changes to the HBS application An overall introduction to HBS Who should apply to HBS? Essays Recommendations Interviews Post Interview Reflection […]
Jul, 16, 2011
I wanted to provide some admissions advice for MBA applicants with entrepreneurial goals. As with all my advice, it is based simply on what is intended to generate a positive admissions result from an MBA program and is not primarily intended to be actual career advice. How will a specific MBA program help you achieve […]
Michigan Ross Information Session on August 9th in Tokyo
Jul, 14, 2011
What: Ross Information Session (by Ross Admissions Office Director Soojin Koh)When: August 9th, 2011 (19:00-21:00pm)Where: Conference Square MPlass “Success” Room Mitsubishi Building 1F, 2-5-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ************************************ 【開催告知】Michigan Ross Information Session @8月9日(火) in 丸の内 8月9日(火)にMBA受験生を対象としたInformation Sessionを開催いたします!昨年に引き続き、Admission DirectorのSoojin Kohが来日しRossの魅力について語る予定です。 開催概要は下記をご覧ください。現役在校生数名に加えまして卒業生も多数参加する予定ですので、どうぞ奮ってご参加ください。 <日時> 2011年8月9日(火) 18:30 受付開始、19:00 開会~21:00 <会場> コンファレンススクエア エムプラス 「サクセス」ルーム東京都千代田区丸の内2-5-2 三菱ビル 1F TEL: 03-3282-7777 <Tentative Schedule>18:30 – 19:00: Registration/networking w/ alumni19:00 – […]
Resume Template for MBA, LL.M. and Other Grad School Applications
Jul, 11, 2011
You can find my suggested MBA, LL.M., or other graduate school admissions resume template on Google docs here and on Scribd here. Many of my clients have found this template to be a very effective basis for making a successful graduate school application resume. It is designed for providing a balanced (academic, professional, everything else) […]
MIT Sloan School of Managementの在校生・卒業生による学校説明会を開催致します
Jul, 11, 2011
MIT Sloan’s currentJapanese students and alumni will be holding an informational event in Tokyo on 8/28. It is limited to 100 people so I suggest registering as soon as possible.-AdamMIT Sloan School of Managementの在校生・卒業生による学校説明会を開催致します。参加お申込はこちらから(先着100名様限り:当日は確認メールのプリントアウトをご持参下さい)。日程:8月28日(日)時間:14:00-16:00 (13:30より受付開始)場所:六本木アカデミーヒルズ49 カンファレンスルーム1+2内容(予定):1. 基調講演-井澤吉幸氏(株式会社ゆうちょ銀行 取締役代表執行役社長、MIT Sloan Asian Executive Board Member)2. 学校紹介プレゼンテーション3. 在校生・卒業生パネルディスカッション4. 在校生・卒業生への個別Q&Aセッション * 本説明会は在校生・卒業生による自主的な企画イベントであり、アドミッションプロセスとは一切関係ありません* 当日はカジュアルな服装でお越しください
10 Really Stupid Things that MBA Admissions Applicants Do
Jun, 30, 2011
I thought it might be time for a list. Since it is summer, I suggest reading this while enjoying a cool drink or two (or three…). This is a list of 10 really stupid things that MBA applicants do. Try to avoid doing these things if you are an MBA applicant. But if you […]
Guest Blogger: 河野太一のGMAT OG12解説 SC24
Jun, 30, 2011
This is another post from Taichi Kono, author of two textbooks on TOEFL and one on TOEIC and a highly experienced TOEFL, TOEIC, and GMAT instructor. Most of his posts will be in Japanese. This post is on GMAT sentence correction. His other posts can be found here.-Adam——————————————————————————————–河野塾代表の河野太一です。年来の友人であるAdam Markusさんのご厚意で、”The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th […]
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