

Be sure to read my key posts on the admissions process.
Topics include: Essays, resumes, recommendations, rankings, and more!

Waitlisted? Now what?

Jan, 19, 2012

This is an updated and expanded version of a previous post. For Chicago Booth’s Waitlist Video see here, but read the post below first. Waitlisted MBA applicants most common question: “Why me?” Schools waitlist because….…they actually are uncertain whether their estimated yield- the percentage of admitted applicants who accept an offer of admision will be […]


Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interviews

Jan, 16, 2012

My analysis of Tuck MBA admissions interviews has been significantly updated. My analysis of Tuck’s essays for the Class of 2014 can be found here. For overall suggestions on interview strategy, see here, here, and here.  The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth MBA interview is about fit, so make sure you can explain in great depth why you want […]


MIT Sloan MBA Interviews

Jan, 16, 2012

In this post, which is significantly updated from my prior posts, I discuss how to prepare for an MIT Sloan MBA admissions interview. I have been preparing applicants on MIT Sloan interviews for over ten years and the post below provides my overall perspective on how to best prepare this challenging interview.  If you are […]


A graduate admissions consultant with 10 years of experience

Jan, 15, 2012

I was a bit too busy to mention it last year, but November 2011 marked my tenth anniversary as a graduate admissions consultant.  It has been a great ten years, especially the last four since I went independent and began writing this blog.  The job of an admissions consultant is a very cyclical one.  It […]


The 2012 MBA Admission Season So Far

Dec, 23, 2011

The 2012 admissions season has been great for my clients so far.  Here are my select client results for 2009-2012 (Updated on 3/15/2011): MBA Comprehensive Service Client Select Results 2009-2012 School 2012 (in progress) 2011 2010 2009 Total Cambridge 2 2 3 7 Columbia 6 3 5 2 16 Cornell Johnson 2 1 1 4 […]


Kellogg School of Management在校生・卒業生とのコーヒーチャット開催のご案内

Dec, 16, 2011

The Japanese students at Kellogg will be having a coffee chat in Tokyo. Details below. Cheers, Adam 【Kellogg School of Management在校生・卒業生とのコーヒーチャット開催のご案内】 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern Universityを受験される皆さまへ 今般、一時帰国する在校生の主催により、下記要領にて、受験生の皆さまとのコーヒーチャットを開催することとなりました。当日は、Kellogg卒業生も交え、学校生活、キャリア及びMBA受験等について、ざっくばらんにお話をできればと思っております。 【日時】  12月28日(水) 19:00-20:00(予定)【場所】  六本木近辺のカフェ等(予定/詳細は追ってご連絡致します)(時間帯や場所等については諸事情により変更になる可能性もある点ご了承頂けますと幸いです)【申込要領】 ご参加頂ける方は、下記申し込みフォームにご記入のうえ送信をお願い致します。https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHdsMlZTYkhpVjc0NEJwMm1CYzNoYkE6MQ本会については、定員に達し次第受付を終了させて頂きますので、お早めにお申込み頂ければ幸いです。お申込頂いた方には確認のメールを別途お送りいたします。なお、希望者が定員を大幅に上回る場合は今年度出願(2012年1月出願)予定の方を優先させて頂く可能性がある点、ご承知置き頂けますと幸いです。また、本会は、Kelloggの日本人在校生・卒業生によって自主的に企画されたものであり、出願審査とは一切関係ございません。インフォーマルな形式の会ですので、カジュアルな服装でお越しください。その他ご不明な点等ございましたら黒田(kkuroda2013@kellogg.northwestern.edu)宛までご一報頂ければと存じます。年末のお忙しい時期かとは存じますが、本会は、Kelloggについての理解を深め、エッセイ・インタビューに向けた準備にお役立て頂ける良い機会かと思います。皆さまのご参加をお待ちしております。Kellogg School of Management在校生一同


Haas MBA Fall 2012 Online Application’s Stupid Word Counter

Dec, 02, 2011

It has been brought to my attention that the essay word counter on the Haas application for admission to Fall 2012 full-time MBA program is TOTALLY F%C&ED. I suggest ignoring said word counter and letting common sense be your guide. Unlike schools that allow for simple document upload, Haas has form for pasting in essays.    […]


Wharton MBA Interviews for Fall 2012 Admission

Nov, 11, 2011

Fall 2012 Admission Wharton MBA Interview Preparation  Updated on 11/17/11. There are now numerous public reports up on the Clear Admit Wiki and those additional reports have helped me further update this post on Wharton MBA interviews for the Class of 2014. My  Wharton essay analysis can be found here. I will continue altering this […]


First Public Wharton November 2011 interview Report

Nov, 11, 2011

Update: My updated analysis of Wharton MBA interviews for Fall  2012 is now up.  The first public Wharton Interview Report is now up on the Clear Admit Wiki: “I just had my interview with a 2nd year Wharton student today. The interviewer was very friendly and tried to keep things casual. We had a similar […]


Wharton has insufficient hub interviews for international applicants: WTF!

Nov, 09, 2011

My analysis of Wharton MBA interviews can be found here.  This is my rant about their applicant unfriendly admissions committee. First, let me state that I generally find MBA admissions offices in the US, especially at schools like HBS, Stanford, Chicago, Kellogg, Tuck, and MIT to work really effectively at handling their interview processes.  I […]


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